Civil action, 943.212
Criminal, 943.21
Sale of land, by guardian, 786.58
Sales, 402.721
Buyer's misrepresentation of solvency, 402.702 (2)
Seller's creditors' remedies against sold goods, 402.402
Sales tax, fraudulent withholding, 77.60 (11)
Securities law, 551.41 to 551.44
Misleading filings, 551.54
Simulating legal process, 946.68
Tapping of electric wires, gas or water, penalty, 941.36
Taxicab driver, defrauding:
Civil action, 943.212
Criminal action, 943.21
Telecommunication, obtaining, 943.45
Theft by means of, 943.20
Fraudulent filing, 132.032
Marks, labels, 132.20
Unemployment insurance claims, 108.04 (11)
Veterans' corporations, 188.26
Victims of crimes, fraudulent claims, 949.17
Vital records, 69.21
Warehouse receipts:
Failure to keep record, 134.205
Fraudulent, 134.20
Welfare fraud investigation, 49.197
frauds, statute of FRAUDS, STATUTE OF
fraudulent conveyances FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCES
Generally, Chs. 240 to 243
Agent may sign instrument, 243.05
Application, uniformity of, 242.11
Construction, uniformity of, 242.11
Conveyance defined, 243.04
Creditors' remedies, 242.07
Defenses of transferee, 242.08
Definitions, uniform act, 242.01
Encumbered property, 943.25
Exempt property, 815.18 (10)
Heirs of creditors, void as to, 243.02
Insolvency defined, 242.02
After rehabilitation or liquidation petition, 645.53
Prior to rehabilitation or liquidation petition, 645.52
Lands, interest in, defined, 243.03
Law and equity rules apply, 242.10
Liability of transferee, 242.08
Obligation, when incurred, 242.06
Power to revoke:
Conveyance valid on vesting of, 240.05
In grantor, void, 240.03
In third person, valid, 240.04
Property rights of surviving spouse, 861.17
Purchaser with notice, not protected, 240.02
Recovery of property fraudulently sold by decedent, 859.41
Statute of limitations, 242.09, 893.425
Supplementary provisions to law, 242.10
Transferee, defenses, liability and protection of, 242.08
Transfer, when made, 242.06
Trusts in lands, grant or assignment of void if not written, 243.01
Uniform act, 242.01 to 242.11
Value, 242.03
Void as to innocent purchaser, 240.01
What transactions fraudulent, 242.04 to 242.05
fraudulent sales FRAUDULENT SALES
Bottomry not within statute, 241.07
Creditors defined, 241.06
Delivery not made, fraud presumed, 241.05
Peddlers, contracts with, warning, 241.27
Securities law, 551.41
fraudulent writings FRAUDULENT WRITINGS
Generally, 943.39
free press FREE PRESS
Guaranteed, I, 3
free speech FREE SPEECH
Guaranteed, I, 3
frivolous matters FRIVOLOUS MATTERS
fruit FRUIT
fuel FUEL
Assistance for fuel or home heating bills, information, 16.385
Aviation fuel tax, 78.55 to 78.62
Distribution, methods and practices, 100.19
Home heating fuel dealers, notice of assistance, 134.80
Liquid fuel delivery vehicle, tickets required, 98.225
Managed forest land, cutting regulated, exception, 77.86 (6)
Scarcity, orders to avert, 93.06 (3)